Category: People Picker

SharePoint: Certain users not resolved in People Picker – invalid character

Here I cover how to use Fiddler and IE Developer Tools (F12) to troubleshoot People Picker problems in SharePoint 2013 and 2016 within the context of a problem I recently came across. Problem: Certain users are not resolved in People Picker.  The client-side people picker control shows no results, but doesn’t throw an error either. 

SharePoint: The problem with changing UserQueryMaxTimeout

Consider the following scenario: You have a fairly large and / or complex Active Directory (AD) infrastructure.When using People Picker in a SharePoint 2013 or 2016 site, you are unable to find users from certain domains, and eventually the People Picker control displays an error: “Sorry, we’re having trouble reaching the server”. You do some

SharePoint: People Picker shows disabled user accounts in domain migration scenario

This is one that has plagued SharePoint admins since SharePoint 2007 and earlier.  There are a few other posts out there that mention this behavior, but as far as I can tell, none of them offer a complete solution. Consider the following scenario: The SharePoint farm exists in DomainB. You have users in DomainA. You