SharePoint 2013 & 2016 – Manager and Assistant values swapped in User Profiles
Here’s one that was a problem in SharePoint 2013, was fixed, but never ported to SharePoint 2016, so we had to fix it again. Consider the following scenario: You are importing user profiles from Active Directory (AD). This can happen using any of the profile import methods for either SharePoint 2013 or 2016. 2013: SharePoint
SharePoint 2016: Import profile pictures with MIM 2016 – walkthrough
In this post, I’ll walk through importing user profile pictures to SharePoint 2016 using Microsoft Identity Manager (MIM) 2016 using a ton of screenshots. The idea is to show how the process works so you know how to configure it and where to go looking when something goes wrong. After completing the basic SharePoint 2016/
SharePoint: Considerations when switching from FIM Sync to AD Import
Many times we end up battling “SharePoint Profile Synchronization” (aka: “FIM Sync”) for a while before we realize that “SharePoint Active Directory Import” (aka: “AD Import”, aka: “ADI”) was a better fit all along. Why switch? Or for new farms, why go with AD Import? “SharePoint Active Directory Import” (“AD Import” from here on) is
SharePoint: User profiles are imported with wrong domain name – NetBiosDomainNamesEnabled
In certain domain configurations, User Profiles can be imported with the incorrect domain name.For example: account names are supposed to shown as CORP\User1, but profiles are imported as contoso\user1 Note: This applies to both SharePoint Profile Synchronization (aka: FIM Sync) and Active Directory Import (aka: AD Import). What’s the impact? There are a few problems
SharePoint: Importing Manager property with AD Import: A Troubleshooter
Overview: This is a fairly visible problem within SharePoint. It can cause the organization chart to show old manager info, or not work at all.So what to do if your user profiles show no manager value, or maybe a user has changed managers, and it’s not being updated? This is a complicated topic for a
SharePoint: Profile Synchronization – some users are missing their manager
Important: This little quirk only occurs with the “SharePoint Profile Synchronization” (aka: FIM Sync) option in SharePoint 2010 and 2013. It does not occur with the “Active Directory Import” (aka: AD Import) option available in SharePoint 2013 and 2016. If possible, I recommend switching to AD Import. You can read through switch considerations in my
SharePoint: All about non-imported user profiles
I find there is much confusion around this topic, so I’ll try to clear it up here. First off, non-imported profiles are well… not imported. They were not created by Profile Sync / AD Import / Sync with External Identity Manager. We also refer to these as “unmanaged”, or “stub” profiles because they typically only