Category: SharePoint Subscription Edition

SharePoint: Communications Sites missing links in Site Settings – DenyPermissionsMask

Problem: When you browse to site settings within a Communications site, you see that certain links under Web Designer Galleries are missing, such as: For example, Communications site on the left, and Teams site on the right: Also, if you browse directly to the Themes gallery by appending _catalogs/theme/Forms/AllItems.aspx to the URL and try to upload a file,

SharePoint: Delete user from site collection creates site outage

Consider the following scenario: You try to delete a user from a site collection, either in the UI (Site Settings | People and Groups | delete users from site collection), or by using the PowerShell command Remove-SPUser. The operation runs for a long time, during which the sites within that content database may suffer severe

SharePoint: How to configure People Picker for a one-way trust

I recently went looking for an article showing how to configure People Picker for 1-way trusts and was disappointed with what I found. Many articles reference the cringe-worthy STSADM commands. Others are either incomplete or less than concise. So here’s my take on it: Background: When using Windows authentication within SharePoint, a domain or forest

SharePoint: People Picker and Disabled Users

I’ve already written a few things on this topic, but I thought I’d add additional background, consolidate concepts, and highlight a new (to me) twist. Background: SharePoint Server (doesn’t matter which version) People Picker should not return disabled user accounts from Active Directory. If it does, there’s a configuration problem in either Active Directory or

SharePoint 2016 / 2019 / SE – Use PowerShell to Sync user data from UPA to sites

Some Background: Since pretty much the beginning of SharePoint, user profile synchronization has been a two-step process: 1. Import user data from Active Directory to the User Profile Service Application (UPA). 2. Push that user data from the UPA down to each site collection. Step 2 is our focus here, and is automatically done by